What does AVRMV provide to their talents?

We provide Social Media experience, Support, Statistics, Guidance, Management, Graphics & Designs, Compositions and Productions, and Technical Advice. However, we do not limit ourselves. We intend to help Talents in any form that we are able to.

Does AVRMV control it’s Talents content?

Short answer; No. Anything we provide is on a suggestion basis, Talents are free to make their own decisions. We only enforce legally required actions and directions. (I.e. use of copyrighted content without consent or licensing). We do, however, protect any personal information in regards to any of our talents, representatives, and third parties.

What about scheduling?

While we are more than happy to help out with scheduling streams, content, or even collaborations, we only do it on a suggestion basis. We do ask the Talents to communicate their schedules with their community.

How did AVRMV start?

AVRMV started by accident, back in August 2021. Starting off with our first talent Kaiya Bell. Growth went well and we decided to expand our reach. On 27 December 2021, we registered at the Chamber of Commerce in The Netherlands.

What does AVRMV stand for?

AVRMV stands for Augmented Virtual Reality Multi-Verse.

Do your prices in the Merchandise Store, include tax?

No, the prices are base prices before tax. As we deal internationally, the tax will be calculated at check-out.